&hint1=I was made by the Tlingit people& &hint2=I was crafted of goat's wool and cedar bark& &hint3=I feature a design based on a bear& &hint4=I was called a blanket, although I was worn like a cloak& &choices=Kwakiutl;Improvisation No. 30;Chilkat blanket;Danae;The Self Seer II (Death and the Man);Bride of the Wind (The Tempest)& &answer=Chilkat blanket& &search=Chilkat blanket& &title=Chilkat blanket, depicting a brown bear, Tlingit culture& &artist=& &medium=Goats wool with cedar bark base& &date=1907& &location=National Museum of the American Indian, New York& &dimensions=4'7" x 5'4"&